PhD Monograph (145 000 words), currently being worked into a book proposal and articles (see ‘work in progress’):
Towards a Social Theory of International Ideology, Ideological Scripts, and Counter-Ideology. Rethinking ‘Liberal International Order’ and the Far Right’s Critique. University of Copenhagen, 2023 [defended 26 September 2023, submitted November 2022 before maternity leave]. Book proposal titled ‘A Theory of International Ideology, Ideological Scripts, and Counter-Ideology. Rethinking Liberal Orders and ‘Illiberal’ Critique’.
The empirical material is summarized and presented as a 36-page policy report in ‘A Postliberal Global Order? Challenge(r) to the Liberal West’ (January 2025)
Articles (peer-reviewed)
‘Hvor radikale er de egentlig? Om det populistiske radikale høyre som motideologisk prosjekt’, Agora, 38:1-2, 132-159 (2020) [‘How radical are they? On the populist radical right as a counter-ideological project’]
‘Ethnic Diversity in the Recruitment of Diplomats: Why MFAs Take the Issue Seriously’, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 15: 1-2, 43-65 (2019) (co-authored with Christian Lequesne, Gabriel Castillo, Walid Jumblatt Abdullah, Halvard Leira, Kamna Tiwaryd and Reuben Wong)
‘Mutual Lack of Introspection and the ‘Russia Factor’ in the Liberal West’, New Perspectives, 27:1, 7-14 (2019).
‘States before relations: On misrecognition and the bifurcated regime of sovereignty’, in Review of International Studies (co-authored with Ole Jacob Sending), 44:5, 829-847 (2018).
‘What, When, and Where, Then, is the Concept of Sovereignty?’, in International Studies Review, 20:3, 513-519 (2018). In Forum: In the Beginning There was No Word (for it): Terms, Concepts, and Early Sovereignty, co-authored with Julia Costa Lopez, Benjamin De Carvalho, Andrew A Latham, Ayse Zarakol & Jens Bartelson.
‘Å hoppe etter Refleks: Brendes Veivalg’, in Internasjonal Politikk, 75:3-4, 212-219 (2017). [on Norwegian foreign policy, in the peer-reviewed Scandinavian-language International Relations journal].
‘Norge, USA og det liberale verdifellesskapet’, in Internasjonal Politikk, 75:1, 52-63 (2017). [in English: ‘Norway, the US and the liberal community of values’, on liberal self-perceptions, liberal exceptionalism, and critique of double standards].
‘Legitimering gjennom (selektiv) felles fortid: russisk bruk av historie i Ukraina-konflikten’, in Nordisk Østforum, 30:4, 214-237 (2016). [in English: ‘Legitimation through a shared (selective) past: Russia’s use of history in the Ukraine-conflict’, in the Nordic academic journal for Russia, Eastern Europe and Post-Soviet studies]
Book chapters (peer-reviewed)
‘What Liberalism? Russia’s Conservative Turn and the Liberal Order’, in Vibeke Schou Tjalve (ed.): Geopolitical Amnesia: The Rise of the Right and the Crisis of Liberal Memory, McGill-Queens University Press (2020, 82-99).
‘On the Double Exceptionalism of Liberal States’, in Mona Wille (ed.): Freedom of Expression in Universities and University Colleges: More democracy, more openness, and more humanity?', Scandinavian Academic Press (2020, 55-88).
‘The Politics of Diasporas and the Duty of Care: Legitimizing interventions through the protection of kin’, in Nina Græger & Halvard Leira (eds.): The Duty of Care in International Relations: Protecting citizens beyond the border, Routledge (2019, 118-135).
‘Liberale verdifelleskap og moral i praksis: Hvordan Norge gikk til krig og hva vi kan lære’ i Rune Ottosen, Terje Tvedt, Tormod Heier (ed.) Libya: Krigens uutholdelige letthet, Cappelen Damm (2019, 47-66) (On liberal self-perceptions, liberal exceptionalism, and ideas of morality in the 2011 Libya intervention)
Convenor of Special Issues (Editorials)
‘Editorial: The New Right’s internationalism’, with Nicholas Michelsen, in New Perspectives, 29(4) (2021)
‘Introduksjon: Når krig blir hverdag’, with Jakob Dreyer [‘When war becomes the everyday’], in Internasjonal Politikk, 78(3) (2020)
Agora, ‘Populisme’, nr. 1-2 (2020), with Andreas Hvidsten [Editor of a 212 page special issue on populism in Norway’s largest peer-reviewed philosophy journal]. Won a prize for the best academic dissemination of 2020 by the Norwegian Association of Journals (Norsk Tidsskriftsforening).
Policy reports - World of the Right (US, Russia, Europe)
‘A Postliberal Global Order? Challenge(r)s to the Liberal West’, NUPI Policy note 1/2025.
‘Brothers in Arms and Faith? The Emerging US-Central and Eastern Europe ‘Special Relationship’, NUPI Policy note 1/2020, co-authored with Vibeke Schou Tjalve (February 2020).
‘Visions of an Illiberal World Order? The National Right in Europe, Russia and the US’, NUPI Policy note 1/2018, co-authored with Vibeke Schou Tjalve (December 2018).
See also presentation at event with Professor Andrew Moravcsik at NUPI on ‘'Why Populist Foreign Policies in Europe are Doomed to Fail’, my own presentation 47 minutes in - on the national right’s international visions, and its implications (October 2019).
My research on the World of the Right was also profiled in Dagens Næringsliv in December 2018, only available in Norwegian and through a paywall here (‘Forsker på en ny verdensorden’, interview by Per Christian Selmer-Anderssen, 7.12.2018), and in Klassekampen 31 December 2019, only available in Norwegian and through a paywall here (‘Seks å se opp for’, 31.12.2019).
Non-peer reviewed essays
‘Om å være kvinne i akademia’ (‘On being a woman in academia’). First published in shortened version in Klassekampen 3.12.2019, full version published by NUPI, Khrono, Forskerforum and Agenda Magasin. Started a national debate on gender, class and privilege in academia.
‘Noen oppsummerende refleksjoner’, Khrono, 31.12.2019 (on privilege, Wittgenstein, and reactions to the essay).
‘Det snakkes for lite om mikro-diskriminering’, Forskerforum, 10.12.2019 (a response to critique).
‘Innanfor og utanfor: Tryggingspolitikk sett frå Tyrkia og Russland’, in Syn og Segn, 123 (2), 39-45 (2017). Reprinted with permission by Morgenbladet and NUPI. [in English: ‘Inside/outside: Security politics as seen from Turkey and Russia']